Delivering a personalised brand experience with client meetings

Delivering a personalised brand experience with client meetings

A seamless brand and proactive communications are set to be major trends in client experience – shaping how your clients approach their long-term relationship with your firm.

To deliver on client expectations, it’s time for your firm to go beyond your current working processes and reevaluate how you communicate with clients.

This will help you offer a more effective relationship, giving both you and your clients more time to focus on business growth.

The need to compete

When investing in accountancy services, particularly when compliance and potential penalties are involved, clients have high expectations and a need to work effectively with your practice.

In particular, accountancy clients place a significant amount of trust in their service providers, meaning that providing an experience which prioritises communication and seamless branding is vital.

While you may be perfectly able to deliver this within your service itself, that may no longer be sufficient in comparison to firms which embrace the latest trends and technologies.

How can I elevate my client experience?

Sleek offices. Dense, technical emails. Heavy financial reports, inflated with detail and detrimental to your firm’s sustainability targets. As symbols of success in the accountancy field, they are outdated and no longer meet client expectations.

This is because the world of professional communications is changing. Meetings are no longer a space dedicated to a single topic or project – over 40 per cent of attendees now multitask, working on multiple items at once.

This is no surprise, given that as many as half of all meetings are now online, even after a large-scale return to in-office or hybrid working.

In a tech-first world, it’s important to offer clients a smooth experience in the digital sphere which supports a face-to-face relationship.

This not only offers the flexibility that clients want without compromising on your firm’s professionalism and cohesive sense of brand.

We have found that one of the best ways to do this, and a way that is typically overlooked, is through transforming your lines of communication with clients.

Our client meeting platform, Connect4, presents professional service providers with the opportunity to enhance client experience and build strong, long-lasting relationships.

Get to know Connect4

Creating a reliable line of communication, our platform is built on four core principles of modern client requirements:

  • Recognise – You can customise your video calls, increasingly the primary way of communicating with clients, with branded themes and logos for a consistent brand image.
  • Prepare – You’ll be able to plan and share meeting agendas beforehand to enhance communication with clients and optimise the time spent in the meeting, helping you achieve more in less time.
  • Outcome – Avoid missing important points with outcome recording and reporting, helping you to document key points for future reference.
  • Action – Assign and track actions following meetings to avoid missing items and to create a sense of accountability.

It is an oft-quoted statistic that half of all meetings are unnecessary. We disagree.

A meeting can always be productive with the right tools that streamline the discussion and helps you stay on track – getting more done and wasting less time. We can help you achieve this.

How can Connect4 change your game?

We’re all familiar with remote video calls and meetings now. What is new about our solution is not what it does, but what it can do for you and how simply it can do it.

With our platform, you can easily add your branding to a call without coding knowledge – making it simple for any firm to provide top-tier branded experiences.

For multitaskers, our solution goes beyond the end of the meeting, unique in its capacity to track meeting outcomes and record key actions and points.

Connect4 is more than a platform to meet. It integrates into your wider communications strategy cost-effectively, eliminating the need for a separate meeting platform.

Transforming client experience

As we and our solution have grown, we’ve seen how vital it is for firms to go beyond accounting excellence and enhance what they can offer to clients.

Professional services are almost unique in the level of complexity in some of the work and the level of trust that clients put into firms during their relationship.

To reward this trust, assuage any challenges and deliver a proactive experience that highlights your brand, it’s important than you embrace the technologies available to you – enhancing your communication with clients and strengthening your professional relationships.

Want to know how? Book a demo with us.

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